Innovative TCPA Compliance Solutions for Lead Generation and Marketing

Our Products
Your Protection

Advertisers, Publishers, and Service Providers...
Inbound Calls, Live Transfers, and Data...

TCPA Technologies has you covered.

New Product Announcement!

An Industry First; Introducing DYNAMIC CONSENT!

Now included with our InboundTCPA and LiveCallTCPA products; Customize Consent Requests to your specific needs!

Use Cases and Benefits;

  • Calling on behalf of Multiple Consumer Brands? No problem, customize each request accordingly.

  • Need to capture consent for a party in a Network of Agents, Partners, or Service Providers? We handle that, too.

  • Generate Sales Leads from your Servicing Department by collecting marketing consent during servicing touchpoints.

    Dynamic Consent is perfect for Mortgage Companies, Insurance Companies, Home Service Networks, Franchises, and any other business with "Hub and Spoke" operations.

Includes OptOutTCPA for Revocation Management!

TCPA Technologies Products- Solutions for Calls and Data

Protect your Callbacks!
If you take Inbound Calls, you MUST ESTABLISH CONSENT to safely call those consumers back.

Our InboundTCPA product helps you capture Documented Express Written Consent, One to One or otherwise, on Inbound Calls in Seconds.

Use Cases and Benefits;

  • Companies taking Inbound Calls from Digital Advertising, Direct Mail, TV, Print, and/ or Radio.

  • Companies taking Live Transfers from Partners without 100% confidence of the origin of those calls.

Includes OptOutTCPA for Revocation Management!

Create a Consent Ecosystem With Trusted Partners
Live Transfers are not without risks for Advertisers. Do you really know the history of that call before it was offered to you?

LiveCallTCPA leverages our Consent Sharing Technology. Approve Trusted Partners to collect YOUR CONSENT LANGUAGE before the transfer. So basically, you're protected at "Hello".

Use Cases and Benefits;

  • Companies Taking Live Transfers from one or several Partners. Have them protect your brand before the call comes in.

  • Companies Selling Live Transfers can build trust and add value by offering Consent Collection for buyers before transferring a call.

Includes OptOutTCPA for Revocation Management!

Solutions for Publishers and Lead Buyers
Data Leads present unique risk factors. Incorrect, unverified, and fake data present huge TCPA risks to Publishers and Lead Buyers.

LiveFormTCPA provides confidence that your brand was present on Marketing Partner lists and that the phone number on the lead is active, owned, and verified by the Consumer.

Use Cases and Benefits;

  • Verify that your brand was on a Marketing Partner List prior to investing in a lead.

  • Improve Contact Rates and Conversions by calling consumers who are engaged and have verified subscriber line ownership.

Comply With NEW REVOCATION RULES! (Coming April 11, 2025)

Changes to Revocation Rules are likely to create more of an impact to Companies than any other change in 2025. Are you prepared?

In April, Companies will have to create more pathways for Consumers to revoke consent, honor any "Reasonable Effort" to do so, and comply within 10 days. We make this easy to do.

Use Cases and Benefits;

  • Streamline Compliance with the new Revocation Rules, quickly and easily.

  • Receive Real-Time Alerts on any consent status change or communication from enrolled Consumers.

© Copyright 2025. TCPA Technologies, InboundTCPA, LiveCallTCPA, and LiveFormTCPA are services of Instant Connect Media, LLC. All rights reserved.